Conscious Partners App - Greenspoon | Supplied by the Best Kenyan Partners

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Conscious Partners

recognised by the BCCK Integrity Index (2021)

Greenspoon is listed as a company committed to integrity in the inaugural Integrity Index by the British Chamber of Commerce Kenya (BCCK). The Index features companies based in Kenya, that have a track record in working with integrity with multinational organisations and BCCK members.

The Index is part of the Business Integrity Initiative (BII) pilot programme, which is run by BCCK in partnership with the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the UK Department for International Trade (DIT) and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in Kenya. The BII provides practical guidance on navigating integrity challenges and provides a range of platforms to increase peer to-peer private sector engagement. It also works with the Kenyan authorities to promote improvements to local market conditions.

packaging and treading lightly on the planet

We feel strongly about reducing as much pressure on the fragile planet as possible. To that end, we are constantly working with our producers to try and come up with sustainable ideas around packaging. We find the best environmentally friendly packaging for all of our products to reduce packaging waste. By delivering food to houses (and a minimum order of Kshs 2000) we are perhaps helping customers avoid an unnecessary journey (or three) in their own cars.


Brown’s Milk Bottles, Laki Laki Glass Yoghurt Jars, The Vegan Treat Company Glass Jars, 254 Brewing Beer Bottles, Booch Bottles, Bateleur Beer Bottles, Freshly Vegetable Boxes (in good condition), any Grounded Packaging.

an eco-friendly website

We host our website with Kinsta, which is a forward thinking hosting company that uses renewable energy. They are rated as one of the top 3 eco-hosting companies in the world.

Good For You
Good for the Planet
Good for the Community
Conscious Partners