Button mushrooms have grown wild since prehistoric times and have had many varying uses and symbolism in cultures across the world. In Egypt, for instance, they were revered for the belief that they give consumers special powers or eternal life. While we cannot ascertain the eternal life-giving properties of button mushrooms, we do know that they are a rich, low-calorie source of fibre, protein, and antioxidants, and what better reason to grab a pack!😀
Ololo is proud of its sustainable farming techniques, as well as our water recycling and composting systems. This includes the production of our natural fertiliser “Ololo Worm Tea” through worm composting. 100% of kitchen and food waste is either fed to the Ololo chickens or composted for use in the gardens. Our water comes from our borehole which we share with the local community, as well as filtered for guest’s drinking. A ‘grey water’ recycling and filtration unit treats all waste water that is then used in the Ololo gardens. The Ololo farm has recently been granted our organic status in April 2020 through Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN).